Mini Coil Fidget Toys - Pencil Wrap Springs

Curious Minds Busy Bags

$ 3.00 


These tiny little coils make perfect fidget toys for the classroom or office.  They are compact and can attach to a pen or pencil making it a discrete fidget.  The soft plastic spring can be twirled around your writing instrument or your finger.  Wrapping and unwrapping the coil is very soothing and it keeps your fingers busy and your mind focused!  You can also gently tug the coil to expand it and contract it!

Coils are 2.5" long x .25" wide - they can easily stretch to 10"

    Fidgeting stimulates neural responses to produce an increase in blood circulation in the brain and extremities, so it can ease the symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder, ADD, ADHD, obsessive-compulsive disorder, dementia and autism.




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